Enjoy this selection of original watercolors, mistakes and all. "Pandemic art" is directly inspired by our ongoing pandemic. If interested in originals or prints, please reach out and say hello.
Tree in early fall
Fall Tree [6"x6"]
Top of a tree changing colors
Transforming [6"x6"]
Museum's Closed
Museum's Closed (Pandemic Art) [6"x6"]
Bold mountain peak
Mountain I [6"x6"]
Leaves turning in the park
Fall in the Wiss [5"x7"]
A sea of moving waves
Moving Water [5"x7"]
Downtown Philly
Center City [5"x7"]
A calm sea
Simple [4"x6"]
Elevated walkway
Philly Rail Park [4"x6"]
Tall sea grasses
Grass Leaves [4"x6"]
Backpack Friend
Transformation [4"x6"]
Still life with wine bottle
Happy Hour (Pandemic Art) [7"x10"]
2 limes and an apple still life
Today or Tomorrow (Pandemic Art) [7"x10"]
Green still life
The New Normal (Pandemic Art) [7"x10"]